
로봇 & 코딩교육 No.1 크리에이터


chatGPT 통해 파이썬 머신러닝 코드 리뷰

태지쌤 2023. 2. 17. 22:03

chatGPT가 파이썬 코드 리뷰도 해준다.

정말 똑똑한 녀석이군....^^;;;

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.scatter(train_input[:,0], train_input[:,1])

plt.scatter(test_input[:,0], test_input[:,1])




This is a Python code snippet that uses the Matplotlib library to create a scatter plot. Here's a brief explanation of what it does:

  • The first line imports the Matplotlib library and assigns it the alias plt.
  • The second line creates a scatter plot using the scatter function. The first argument, train_input[:,0], specifies the x-coordinates of the data points to plot, while the second argument, train_input[:,1], specifies the y-coordinates. This creates a scatter plot of the training data.
  • The third line adds another set of data points to the plot using the scatter function again. This time, the x-coordinates and y-coordinates are specified using test_input[:,0] and test_input[:,1], respectively. This creates a scatter plot of the test data.
  • The fourth and fifth lines add labels to the x-axis and y-axis, respectively, using the xlabel and ylabel functions.
  • Finally, the show function is called to display the plot.

It appears that this code is plotting a dataset of length and weight measurements. The train_input and test_input variables likely contain the input data for a machine learning model, and this plot is being used to visualize the data.
